Education policy: the chief thing as a negotiation

The urgent necessary educational reform should be crucially advanced in 2009. But at the end of the year, there are hardly progress recognizable

"Future investment in education and research have highest priority for the Federal Government", explained the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the mid-past week. After the situation of things, this claim is roughly so believed as the insurance, you want the "Role", the education "In the case of innovation and competitiveness" a society games, absolute prioritat premises. With this commitment, Federal Minister Annette Schavan (CDU) had entered the public in January 2009, at the beginning of a year, in which education should not be different in terms of education, but much better.

In view of the dramatic deficits in all relevant areas from early education to university studies, far-reaching decisions must be taken to establish opportunity rights in education within Germany and to establish an international competitive system beyond. At the end of an eventful year in which KITA employee striked, Schuler and Students to the Strain went and politicians of all parties explained education to the central future topic, the breakthrough continues to wait.

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The actual city remains invisible

That "new" Berlin in the movie

Berlin, so Hort Man, be a city in transition. Whole quarters are stammered out of the ground. The run-down compressed face a facelift. The perception of the city hardly coincides with the economic and social reality. Because economic growth lags significantly behind compared to other bads and regions.

The elimination of subsidies and the degradation of industrial work straps have left a feeling of resignation in the labor market, which the Senate has been helplessly opposed for years. The image of the city is still on the way up. The German filmmakers help powerfully when it comes to lending to the old and new capital shine. Whether Tom Tykwers, Caroline Link or Detlev Buck, they all ensured that the Friedrichstrabe is right after the Lindenstrae the most tempted Strain Germany.

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Behind the theater platelet

At the latest since mid-2002, as a memo of the British government and the increasing bombing of Iraqi goals along the aircraft zones shows, the invasion of the US has a decided thing

The terrorist attack of the 11.9. opened the Bush government suddenly the possibility to exclude the global war against terror and in this context for a long time of many in the Bush-governed plan of an intervention in maturous and geopolitical central Iraq (Bush against Hussein, II. act?To). The war in Afghanistan was previously the immediate response, which was approved worldwide, diplomatically important and strategically also paying interesting to Iran, also paying for the axis of boses, after the fall of the Hussein regime in a clasp handle with solid militar stall points. However, in front of the invasion, the Farce was staged at the building of world policy to legitimize them with a Security Council Decision and False Provements for the existence of mass destruction and relations with Al Qaeda.

It was a coarse but slightly more transparent theater where the US government is the terrorist attack of the 11.9. Taking utilized to expand the power world and domestic policy and pursue strategic goals. Standing under high political and moral prere, many governments played, even if they rejected the war against Iraq, but long as it was alleged to legitimize the war by the Bush government by a UN Resolution. The US government made it clear at the same time that the war with the "Coalition of the willing" be carried out without jerking of the UN to free the world from the rogue Hussein. Probably also with the intention that the UN is not completely deconstructed as a paper tiger, many have played the diplomatic farce of the seemance decisions more or less tooth-riding to the end, but with the result that the reports of the weapon inspectors then set aside and below Massive prere adopted resolution was reinterpreted by the US government as war legitimation. As is known, Blair and Bush have always claimed until shortly before the war that no decision was made to war, Hussein must only fulfill all conditions.

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Fire death in orbit

Mir crash causes concern in Asia and serenity in Australia

He is irreversible now — the crash of the legendaries 15 year old room station me, she was positioned today from the Russian air conditioning so that the solar sails are now aligned with the sun, so that enough battery stream can be collected for the control of the brake manobin. The space station, which has housed a total of 106 cosmonauts and astronauts since 1986 and which is currently on a flying-height that makes a juxtapy in the old orbit from now on Friday against 07.00 clock (CET) for the Sud-Pacific. And this time there was no doubt that it will be seriously serious for me.

Fire death in orbit

The heavenly beauty of this 130-tonne dragonfly in the dark of Jesco of Puttkamer. An obituary to me, who actually had already disappeared in 1999.

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Ukraine: as a fighting field

Why US politicians call for a call to Kiev

With a scattered majority of Democrats like Republicans, the United States representatives house called to the Ukrainian government too "Dead weapons" to deliver. The US high-commands of NATO demand afterwards; In the terrain of the western neighbors of Ukraine and Russia, the transatlantic covenant builds a second front. The Minsk Agreement Nr. 2 is hardly taken seriously.

Ukraine: as a fighting field

The Ukrainian Prasident Poroshenko on Wednesday at the reception of the first delivery of Humvees, so from so-called "non-tonic" weapons. Image: others

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Army destroyed pa prison in jericho

Israeli military attack on the arrest of palastic adherence; Palastinians fired further escalation

The Israeli army today reached for land and air the palatinean cog in Jericho. At the persistent attack, at least two of the palastic security, dozens of policemen and occupants were injured. The aim of the attack, according to the Israeli army, was the arrest of six sticking lengths. Five of them, members of the Marxist Popular Front for Liberation Palastinas (Pflp), the murder of Israeli tourism Minister Rehavam Seevi 2001. Foreign peace activists tried to get to the fishing stand.

Badenraubers tore the walls and called the occupants over speakers to put themselves. "We will not give us", said the prisoner Pflp-General Secretar Ahmad Saaadat over the phone against the TV channel Al-Jascana, which surgrated the attack live for several hours. "We fight and will either win or die." About 19 o’clock local time, however, were the last prisoners, among them Saaadat. He was spent from the army to a previously unknown place. Saadat and a command of his group, which carried out the attack on Sevi 2001 in East Jerusalem, since August 2002 in Jericho. The Pflp dead seavi, after the Israeli army murdered in August 2001 the General Secretar of the Popular Front, Abu Ali Mustafa,.

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Terror threat in austria: negative

The threat situation is currently difficult to assign as well as the case of a Muslim with "suspicious" Demonstrate reabs in a British airplane

Several state policy directions in Austria received a threat of thursday a threatening mail. Written in "bad English", Reported, were explosives to be explosive "God’s wishes" Confederate at 14 pracisisy places.

The authors of the email with a hidden address, which is already known to state protection long, have allegedly referred to the IS.

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Libya: deputy war around the mediterranean

Libya: Deputy War around the Mediterranean

Graphic: TP

With Fajis Al-Sarradsch Erdogan also defends his claim for natural gas findings

Yesterday, the Turkical Parliament of Turkical State Guided Participation in the voices of Islamist ACP and the nationalist MHP for a year-round permission for a military intervention in the Libyan Burger War (cf. Turkish Parliament approves posting of troops to Libya). Now the Turkical State President Recep Tayyip Erdogan can decide whether and to what extent he commits the Fajis Al-Sarradsch asked by Chalifa Haftar.

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Ruffel fur microsoft and netscape

Lobby group of coarse US web designers lays down with browser manufacturers

The Web Standards Project aims to force Microsoft and Netscape to hold on to the design standards that were adopted by the World Wide Web Consortium.

While Netscape has become wildly tried to reinvent itself as a mixture of media companies and e-commerce web portal, and during Microsoft confesses with the US Ministry of Justice and continuing its empire to expand on all fronts, so you could easily forget about it that the browser war is still going on.

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