Army destroyed pa prison in jericho

Israeli military attack on the arrest of palastic adherence; Palastinians fired further escalation

The Israeli army today reached for land and air the palatinean cog in Jericho. At the persistent attack, at least two of the palastic security, dozens of policemen and occupants were injured. The aim of the attack, according to the Israeli army, was the arrest of six sticking lengths. Five of them, members of the Marxist Popular Front for Liberation Palastinas (Pflp), the murder of Israeli tourism Minister Rehavam Seevi 2001. Foreign peace activists tried to get to the fishing stand.

Badenraubers tore the walls and called the occupants over speakers to put themselves. "We will not give us", said the prisoner Pflp-General Secretar Ahmad Saaadat over the phone against the TV channel Al-Jascana, which surgrated the attack live for several hours. "We fight and will either win or die." About 19 o’clock local time, however, were the last prisoners, among them Saaadat. He was spent from the army to a previously unknown place. Saadat and a command of his group, which carried out the attack on Sevi 2001 in East Jerusalem, since August 2002 in Jericho. The Pflp dead seavi, after the Israeli army murdered in August 2001 the General Secretar of the Popular Front, Abu Ali Mustafa,.

The prison is directed by policemen of the Palastic Autonomous Law (PA). In order to prevent a delivery of Saaadat and others to Israel, the conflict parties in 2002 in Ramallah concluded an agreement after British and American soldiers should guard the prison. Israel satisfied with it. "The Americans and Britons removed a quarter of an hour before the start of the attack", said Taufiq Abu Chussa from the Palastian Ministry of Interior. In his view, not only injured the closed agreement, but also the obligation of the prisoners.

Diplomats and other foreigners in official function were already evacuated at noon from the areas occupied by Israel. Demonstrations take place in all palatinian bads. Pflp trail and other handles Meanwhile, British and American facilities. In Gaza, the British cultural center burned. In Ramallah, their Buro and the British Bank HSBC was attacked. In the Gaza Strip, the Pflp unfouted eight foreigners, two Sudkorean journalists and two French physicians. The Palastian police wounded one of the attackers and arrested another. Alternia are also in the west badland in danger, so the Pflp, should be a bit absorbent to your General Secretar.

Meanwhile, foreign peace activists of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) attempted to reach the fishing stand in Jericho. The action reminded of the siege of the official position of the former Prasident Jassir Arafat in Ramallah 2002. About 20 peace activists at that time the army overlooked the siege ring and spent several days with palastic lead under shelling (scruples or tabo do not seem to play role anymore).

Palastinians go from an escalation, Saaadats should now be in danger. "Then the third intifada begins", said a young activist in Ramallah. "The Israelis do what they want. And if you murder our political drivers, we will not just watch." In the afternoon, many palatinians are on starting locks and turned hamster buying.

Fuad Schobaki is another prisoner on which Israel had apart. He was responsible for the "Karine a"-Affare 2002. The ship of the same name tried to smuggle weapons in the palatinian territories.

Pessimism is wide

The Israeli army wanted to prevent the freestone of Saadat and his comrades. Mahmoud Abbas, the palatinian prasident, had had such a relay. Hamas, which takes over the governments in a few days, has pronounced himself for a freezing. Meanwhile, Abbas has moved up for the umbrella of imprisonment, without effect on Israel.

Jack Straw, Great Britain’s Foreign Minister, justified the deduction of the guardian. The PA has not met the security of the British soldiers. "In recent months, that became clearer. We have repeatedly pointed out that we will deduct the soldiers under these conditions." Nobody counted that this deduction only happened in consultation with Israel. "Thus, England is not only the life of the palastic policemen and prisoners", Such a western official who wanted to stay anonymous, opposite Telepolis, "but also the palastic employees in British institutions in the occupied territories." It was not difficult to predict that such facilities were attacked in the absence of official representatives.

Internal developments such as the early government recommendation of Hamas jerking in the political discussions on site in the background. Many, who promised from the election victory of Hamas a departure from domestic chaos, print pessimism. The Palastinians and their political guided can not oppose Israeli attacks. Of course, it is said that Hamas is nothing against the Israeli holding company. Recently, the army has blocked the Jordantal for Palestinians. The Israeli government has intended to annex the area.

Peter Schaffer, Ramallah