Peace between palastina and israel is possible

Peace between Palastina and Israel is possible

The Judian settlement chemat in Jordantal. Photo: HE: משתמש: Numberone / GNU License for Free Documentation

A comment

That Donald Trump plays with the fire is nothing new. He threatens North Korea "total destruction" and plays with a nuclear war. He increases his own country deeper and impressed his closest composite. The most dangerous thing is that this man remains absolutely unpredictable.

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In search of the jews gene

The International HAPMAP project tries to map the diversity of the genetic equipment of man. Now a new, greatly extended record is ready

The assertion that all relatives of a particular population group shared their fundamental genetic equipment, is first trivial, because often in the phanotype can be seen, so even for the scientifically unchecked eye. For years, researchers have been concerned with the question of what is still behind the obvious. Why should one go to the search for the Jewish, the Yoruba or the Han Chinese gene?

First, individual differences in the bench equipped a lot about the history of humanity. Who came from where, who is using whom? In the genes, every person also carries traces of his past. In June, two studies looked at this aspect of the example of the Jews — a paper appeared in American Journal of Human Genetics, the other in the science magazine Nature. Both show a relatively rare phanomen in history: the fact that the composition of the gene pool of a people is preserved by his culture, his religion.

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They pull back like snails

A coarse-applied American study poses the shadow side of the diversitat of communities: each of the other a community is composed, the more people tend to mistrust and jerking

Companies will be richer through immigrants, enjoying the one who are afraid of others afraid. A number of investigations underpin the adoption of those who plan for diversity, and refers to coarse economic growth, more tax revenues, coarse creativity and better science (such a very high proportion of immigrants can be found, for example, among American Nobel printing directions). But the newer social research must now deal with a study result, which is more likely to become the arguments of the opponents of multicultural coexistence: the highly the diversitat is in a community, the lower their social capital, so the result of a coarse-compliant study under the direction of the renowned American Social researcher Robert Putnam out.

The study carried through Putnam in collaboration with the University of Manchester is roughly laid out, she was even allowed to be the biggest of her kind: over 30.000 people from a wide variety of life maintenance were interviewed — from 41 "communities", scattered on the whole US, from homogeneous communities in North Dakota, up to highly different composite residential quarters in San Francisco and Los Angeles. A division of US Census from 2000 took Putnam to help to divide the respondents into four categories: Fair, Latinos, Black and Asians.

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