Peace between palastina and israel is possible

Peace between Palastina and Israel is possible

The Judian settlement chemat in Jordantal. Photo: HE: משתמש: Numberone / GNU License for Free Documentation

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That Donald Trump plays with the fire is nothing new. He threatens North Korea "total destruction" and plays with a nuclear war. He increases his own country deeper and impressed his closest composite. The most dangerous thing is that this man remains absolutely unpredictable.

His decision to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, has aware of worries and horror worldwide. This decision was able to reinstate the whole Middle East again in flames. The US Prasident takes many dead and thousands of escape to buy just to satisfy his ownership.

Jerusalem is more than any other city in the world a fundamental symbol of all three monotheistic religions: of Islam, Judaism and Christianity: one "Holy city". Therefore, not only the Palastians are brusked, but all Arabs and all Muslims. For her, Trump’s policy is a colonial interference from Auf.

The US intermediary role is now final passe. The United States weakened under this prassident. And he destroyed the peacekeeping of decades brutal. The US can never convey anymore, they are schunderen the conflict.

Even earlier US prasides have never understood the important role of religions in this region in their efforts to peace in the Israeli-palastic conflict. That was a cardinal error.

Is peace between Palastina and Israel nevertheless possible?

For 100 years, religions in the Middle East are rather contributed to war than peace. Everyone is afraid of the overpower of the others. But the story teaches that fear and mistrust are not through war and violence to overcome. Which contribution can religions for peace in the Middle East are very concrete and practically now now?

The central virtue of the three Abrahamic religions is equally the mercy. Here is a huge, even untapped peace potential.

The common base of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is called: Understanding instead of condemning, doing it instead of destroying, loving hate instead. Empathy is the way to peace.

Gottfried Hutter, Psychotherapist, Theologian, Middle East connoisseur with decades long contacts to important people from politics and all three religions in the Middle East makes in his youngest book "After 100 years of Middle East conflict an honorable solution" a new, surprising, first utopian, but realizable peace proposal: the controversial Israeli settlements in the West Bank as a Peace Chance!

Utopian, unrealistic, jerked? Sure another vision.

Israel with his palatinian minority and Palastina with a Judian minority

Also the German-French friendship seemed long pure utopia. Today she is realitat. An EU also seemed to be inappropriate in 1945, but today they exist. And successful. Because a EU state has never felt a war against another.

So why should Israel and Palastina do not coexist side by side? Israel with his palastic minority next to Palastina with a Judian minority of today’s settlers?

Especially the so controversial Judian minority of the settlers in the West Bank now now offers a realistic opportunity to transform the entire West Bankland including the Judian settlements and Gaza to a new Palastic State. The goods finally a political balance between Israel and Palastina with the chance of prosperity for all.

How did it ran in Europe after 1945? The economic cooperation was the basis for prosperity and political cooperation. That was the incentive. So Palastina and Israel and their respective minorities could cooperate economically and invite other Arab Landers to a Middle East Community, a Middle East Union — with the goal of creating peace and prosperity. According to the model of the EU and in cooperation with the EU, a new economic miracle.

In the beginning, of course, confidence-educational steps had to stand similar as in the overwind of the Cold War a few decades in Europe. The goal must be a note and peace, overweight for a time of UN Bluethelmen.

The three Abrahamic religions were able to play a central role. All three religions are based on the values love, peace and mercy. Strong political personality had a sustainable, believing, believed, believed, believed, believed in this vision, according to which millions of people of all religions in the entire Middle East.

Maybe a woman like Angela Merkel, today — unlike in 2003 in front of the Iraq war of George W. Bush — thinks of peace and not from the war. Or a man like Mikhail Gorbachev, who had the courage to the first abrupt step before over 30 years and today in a book "Never war again — finally comes to reason" advertises a nuclear weapon-free world.

Even smart politicians and religious fuhrer in Saudi Arabia and Iran hope for this vision — as Gottfried shows Hutter. So a growing nearest peace of the finale for a world peace. The previous Middle East policy was and is too visionless. Above all, the importance of religions in this region for peace was overlooked by the USA in all negotiations.

The story after 1945, however, teaches that even the point of the deepest conflict can be the beginning to the payroll in a new time. Peace is always and principle possible. To claim the opposite, is ideology and miserable.

Yes, even between Israel and Palastina peace is possible. A first step is a speech of the Israeli ministerial priority prior to the UN General Assembly, which he asks the Palastians forgiveness for the occupation of Palastinas after the Second World War, but at the same time promotes that the Jews after 2000 years of persecution again in wanted to live a separate state.

Israel’s head of government could make the reasonable suggestion: the land is enough for us both.

Also this idea is still a utopia today. Yes, sure, but that’s exactly how the German-Polish payrage began in the sixties, when German and Polish bishopfs met and made it public: we ask for forgiveness. Forgive and ask for forgiveness: That was the beginning. And such an beginning is also possible in the Middle East today.

Real religion always allows the first step to the opponent. That says Jesus with enemy love. A very pragmatic proposal. And probably no peace from today to tomorrow. But a bad peace is better than any war.

See Colombia. Also there peace over 50 years seemed impossible. But today he has become possible. Also by using the Vatican. Also Pope Francis goods a good mediator — sure a better than Donald Trump.

The Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery created a world sensation as he crossed the front in the middle of Lebanon War and hit the first Israeli with Jassir Arafat. they became friends. Avnery’s website is the motto: "The peace between Israel and Palastina is possible".

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