Libya: deputy war around the mediterranean

Libya: Deputy War around the Mediterranean

Graphic: TP

With Fajis Al-Sarradsch Erdogan also defends his claim for natural gas findings

Yesterday, the Turkical Parliament of Turkical State Guided Participation in the voices of Islamist ACP and the nationalist MHP for a year-round permission for a military intervention in the Libyan Burger War (cf. Turkish Parliament approves posting of troops to Libya). Now the Turkical State President Recep Tayyip Erdogan can decide whether and to what extent he commits the Fajis Al-Sarradsch asked by Chalifa Haftar.

Auber from Erdogan Fajis Al-Sarradsch and his Islamist-tangled alliance in Tripoli are mainly supported by the Turkish Regional Compound Qatar and Italy. Behind Haftar, on the other hand, the United Arab Emirates and Libya’s popular neighboring Egypt (whose state administration in him sees the most stable defense against the Muslim brother and other Islamists). Russia and France, which are often evaluated by observers as unofficial supporters of the warlord, officially deny a prize of prize and ignitations instead "Intemination" (see. Is Macron behind Chalifa Haftar’s march on Tripoli?To).

Putin visit on Wednesday

In any case, it is not unlikely that the Russian State President of Vladimir Putin will also speak about Libya at his visit to the Turkey in Turkey for Wednesday. Official occasion for the visit is the opening of the pipeline Turkish stream, which should provide not only the Turkey, but also EU countries with Russian natural gas (cf. Ukraine: Fear of overflow). US government sees such Russian gas supplies critical and warns their NATO composites before a dependence.

As an alternatives, she applies to the own American liquid gas supplies from gas fields under the Mediterranean, where Israel has staggered this week that has scattered on about 605 billion cubic meters of Leviathan deposits. The gas out of it is delivered for the time being mainly according to the most agyftes, but will be a later than a underwater pipeline even after Europe (cf). Israel, Cyprus, Greece and Italy have agreed on EastMed gas pipeline). For this purpose, the Greek Minister Prassident Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Cypriot Prasident Nikos Anastasiades and the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday, an agreement to build a "EastMed"-pipeline.


In this pipeline then natural gas from the sea environment of Cyprus could be fed. The Turkey has also claimed this natural gas. It calls for their holes two claim basics, which in their opinion entitle them: one of them is that the Government of Cyprus since 1974 only the Sudteil of the island has controlled, because in the north after a Turkish militar intervention, a Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was called (but they Only recognized by Ankara).

The second sailla of Turkish claim is an international arbitration judgment, according to which the islands Saint-Pierre and Miquelon France, which is located before the Kuste Newfoundland, is not entitled to its own 200 nautical miles comprehensive "Lovely economic zone" To be loaded the Canadian. Whether this decision is dating as a precedence for all islands, however, is questionable:

Saint-Pierre and Miquelon are inhabited with a flat of 242 square kilometers comparatively tiny and only from about 6,000 people. In addition, they are not an independent state, but a French surgeon area. Cyprus, however, is 9251 square kilometers rough, from good 850.000 people inhabited, and do not belong to Greece, but is an independent island state like Great Britain, Japan or Indonesia (cf. European Investment Bank is to loans to Ankara because of gas drilling before Cyprus "check"To).


In order to underpin your Mediterrantry suitability, the Turkish state authorization at the 27. November an agreement with Fajis Al-Sarradsch (cf. Turkish Mediterranean Plan: Libya as "Trojan horse"), which also focuses on Cyprus and Greece against Egypt — a gas questionnaire of the two aforementioned countries and important assistants HAFTARs (cf. Egypt support Greece and Cyprus against Turkey).

If one takes into account that, it surprised little that the agypal state authorization the decision of the Turkical Parliament yesterday "in the sharpest" convicted and spoke of a violist against the UN-weapon embargo for Libya. Egypt stresses with the Gasfeld Zhor Zhor’s 850 billion cubic meters in the Mediterranean. Once it is tapped, the country could quickly get back from the gas importer to the gas exporter and take its LNG export terminals brought since 2011 again.