No clear winner in the first television dual

McCain argued more aggressive, Obama differentiated

At the first of a total of three television debates, Barack Obama was defensively and later, during John McCain countered his democratic counterparty with significantly more aggressiveness. However, McCain hardly went to the competitions given to him in the debate. Obama, who could not read from the TelePrompter differently in his speeches, stuttered and stumped mostly at the beginning of the debate. Lovely, he made the mistake of looking down as McCain spoke — which partly made the impression as if he gave himself. However, McCain promised frequently — among other things, the name of the Iranian prassident.

Really unpleasant questions were not made the two candidates in the debate — but unlike origionally planned, it was not only about the auxiliary policy, but about to half the current financial crisis and the planned purchase of bank debt, which costs up to $ 700 billion dollars could.

Obama called as a prerequisite for an agreement that not only the bankers at Wall Street, but also the simple people who "Main Street", Must be helped. In addition, the anti-regulatory extremism can overwound and ensure that no tax money in the hands of the manager land.

McCain steered relatively cleverly at his answer to this first question by following the beginning of the democratic Senator Edward Kennedy, who now had to go back to the hospital — which the Republicans stressed his claim to superimity. As a prerequisite for an agreement, he called that the culprits had to be responsible at the crisis, whereupon Obama noticed that he was for goods when there are clear responsibilities not only in a crisis.

After McCain continued to know, the most important starting point for the growth of the crisis was his view of a lowering of government spending, Obama referred to the 300 billion dollars at tax cuts for high earners and companies promised by Republicans. The 72-year-old responded expectations with the accusation that his democratic counterparty increase the taxes. Obama, in turn, countered as well as a predictable that 95 percent of the population were paid less under him than under Bush or McCain. Only those about 250.000 dollars earned a year, stronger was asked to pay.

When McCain attempted to defend his tax cutting planes that the US company taxes were high than in Ireland, Obama replied that these corporate taxes were only high on the paper, which is why he wants to shape tax slipper. On that, McCain introduced a relatively radical idea into the debate: an expenditure stop for everything over warfuhrung and a few others "important" Post. Obama gave this opportunity to point out that you will decide between 300 billion dollars tax cuts and improved health care for more Americans.

The democrat was certified to the reigning Prasident Bush "Expenditure" — whereupon a mild disagreement from burned out how often McCain in the Senate for or against Bush voted.

Iraq and Afghanistan: Klotzen or Blob?

Ask for questions "to teach" From the Iraq war, McCain was confident that the country occupied in 2003 becomes a stable bonded to the USA in the region. Obama did not take the opportunity to bring out refundable doubts, but instead noticed that the war had not started, because the military use in Afghanistan had not yet ended. Al-Qaeda, according to the Senator from Illinois, is stronger than 2001, despite the $ 10 billion, which were pumped monthly into the two-stream country. That’s why Obama, he wanted to relocate troops from Iraq to Afghanistan and commit themselves more intensively with the problem of Pakistan.

The Democrat paid, where McCain was wrong in its earlier associations: that Americans were buried in Iraq as a liberator that Shiites and Sunniten were tolerated and that the war was already won in Afghanistan 2003. However, the Republican did not make the Muhe to enter into it.

When asked about a potential threat of Iran, McCain introduced his project to a League of Democracies. Obama, on the other hand, a doubt, whether Russia and China actually removed a high prere on Iran and his nuclear armament could be prevented. The Iraq war was his catching for a present to the mullahs, which had thereby influence on the western neighbors. Also on this argument McCain did not arrive, but instead criticized the readiness of the Democrats, direct talk with the political leaders of "Rogue states" respectively. Obama referred to this attack that Henry Kissinger, one of McCains consultant, also examines pre-impaired talks with Iran.

To the question of whether Russia "Enemy, competitors or partners" was, the democratic candidate described the approach of coarse power in Georgia as "aggressive" and "not acceptable". He pointed out that he wanted to replace the Russian-Georgian peacekeepers in Sudanntia long before the beginning of the war and demanded the jerking from the controversial areas as well as the inclusion of Ukraine in NATO. McCain, the Saakashvili as "big young prassides" designated and said in Putin’s eyes "KGB" to have read, the pipeline called by Georgia as one of the background of the Caucasus conflict and made the impression as if he expects a military examination of Ukraine safely.

The next two debates will find on the 7. October in Tennessee and 15. October in the state of New York. On 2. October is a television dual between Sarah Palin and Joseph Biden, which is expected not only due to the media language of the candidate with the amy-winhouse-like hairstyle with tension, but also because the democratic vice-language candidate mccain’s arguments in debate reservation on CNN significantly more aggressive scanning when this was Obama during the debate.