The powerlessness of the omacous pope

The powerlessness of the omacous pope

All pictures: Prokino Film rental

Hard to believe: Nanni Morettis Komodie About the asthetics of Catholicism

Shape suggests content. This insight may be uncomfortable, but explains more of the success of Catholicism as everything about new values and the return of religion. Now the left atheist Nanni Moretti has turned a surprising film about Catholicism — preaching, but without enough respect for the form.

An ethnologist always has the big respect for the ritual. The more than the roots of the ritual are in the distant past. He sees it a means of making certain values directly visible; They became the soul less right now when one tried to enforce them with purely rational means.

Claude Levi-Strauss

It starts with documentary recordings of the days when John Paul II. died. Helicopter on the Vatican, crowds in front of the Peter’s Basilica, the bustling Pontifex Maximus and the mourners around him, a modest coffin, which is born, to all the music, the pathos and celebration expresses, affirmation of the Holy Character of this act. The spark easily jumps on the viewer — you do not have to be Catholic to complain about the depletion of liturgy.

Then a cut: In two rows, the cardinals walk through a magnificent sale inside the Vatican. Never has a human being watched in the conclave, the secret gathering of the Cardinal, in which his successor is chosen after the death of the old pap. "From now on, the cardinals will be cut off from the Augenwelt and can not record any object to the environment", If the press spokesman of the Vatican explains, then the treatments are closed — until women’s smoke will rise and concede: "Nuntio Vobis Gaudio Magnum. Habemus Papam!"

The new movie of the Italian director, comedian, actor and sharp observer of the Italian Catholic Protections Nanni Moretti Let us look in this mysterious process. This is always beautiful to look at: the precious red migrants prudent the old gentlemen, and still the smallest subject is designed with love, artificial sense and without chance at the expense: the purple Hat, which lies in front of them on the desk, the table tastes from the female damask Downloading brick-colored deer skelet leather, the thick hand-iced paper on which you enter the name of your candidate with silver full spring holes and black ink. The largely designed areas do a surprise to remember that the Catholic Church is the religious community that clearly attracts the best design and the sophisticated rituals.

The powerlessness of the omacous pope

But also a short slapstick: a power failure provokes the most diverse reactions. A cardinal stumbles in the dark. When choosing a write-down, his neighbor does not leave him; Another stroking names again and again, scrubbed notes.

No less attention uses Moretti on the people who work here: You experience the inner monologues of the Cardinal, witness to their conscience, secretested and hopes. All pray: "Not me, not me"; "Please do not let me be"; "Have grace with me". Nobody liked the pope, there is no ambition, no power true, no competition. You also learn the cardinals otherwise as people and individuals, with small marots and jealous liaison. You can see the droll alters in the evening on their rooms, card games and puzzle loans, on the home trainer or when taking calming and sleeping resources. The oldest smokes secretly full of pleasure.

The powerlessness of the omacous pope

The choice itself does not last: a favorite fails, fixed fractions do not exist, and suddenly jerks out by the favor of the moment an outdoor driver forward: Cardinal Melville, with wonderful joke and accessibility, at the same time near the minimalist slapstick of a buster Keaton played from 85 Year-year-old Michel Piccoli — which was just awarded just last weekend at the European Film Prize for his life’s work. Why and why Melville was chosen, a mystery remains. God wanted it. The cardinal votes that "Te deum" on, knees in front of the new pope. "Accept your choice for the top priest?" — "Si!" — "Your holiness" — The reverence is the ritual, not the person.

"Well, you call for example a blessing credo"

The fact that this man is called Melville is a double joke that illustrates Morettis kind of humor pretty well. For on the one hand, this is only the rather banal joke to call a major character like a famous director (Jean-Pierre Melville, the inventor of the European film Noir and father of the French post-war kinos). In addition, it is also a reference to Herman Melville, the "Moby Dick"-Author who is in his job "Bartleby the writer" the world and action with the famous saying "I prefer not liked" refused.

The powerlessness of the omacous pope

Melville was first flattered, then he will let the ritual procedures develop, but from second to second he will be starric. "And what happens now? What should I do?" — "So now, you call, for example, a blessing to the credans speak. There was also the possibility that our lover, which has just deceased Holy Father, has chosen first: You can contact the credans with a speech." — "please help me. I can not do that. I can not do this!"

The powerlessness of the omacous pope

Again, these are big moments in which Moretti shows how a person at the moment he reaches the summit of power — for the prisoner of power, his office and the apparatus around him. There are thoughts of deep serious: because one can also speculate here too on the state of mind of the new pontifex maximus: is he only official report, he has more doubts when he wants to admit, he suffers from a mild openness, or he experiences a kind of nervous breakdown — a mad fantasy: what was good if? What goods when a pope simply refuses to join in the game of rituals?

Analyst at the Pope

"holiness. I think: you have right. Sometimes you have to take back and be a bit alone. But I beg you: Fug God, the ommayard father, our gentlemen. Return to us. One billion people are waiting for you, holiness." — "Why can not I just disappear.

Quote from the movie

His environment responds first forgotten: everything will already lay down. Then irritated. What to do? You try to sugar bread and whip, with kindness and gentle prere. Then a doctor is consulted, finally a psychotherapist — the Moretti himself plays. This scene is a joke and an almost a movie for itself: because the analyst has to talk to the Pope about secret dreams, about childhood traumata, over sexual fantasies, experiences, ie over louder things, that after Catholic teaching for a pope does not even there should be or may. Again, close to the clamotte: The first session takes place in front of all the cardinals that can not be asked.

The powerlessness of the omacous pope

The powerlessness of the omacous pope

But Moretti is never sarcastic, but offers an almost delicate interior view of Catholicism, full of ironic sympathy for the man who remains a man on the puppy chair. In the coarse makes Nanni Moretti everything possible wrong: his movie is banal, never finds his midst between satire, farce, serious and deeper meaning. In the small one succeeds: Wonderful small scenes, nice actors, a gentle, louser comodie — Human Touch for all. Nothing against saying — or?

Volkallball and Catholicism: Dismissible shell comodie

But, a lot: "Habemus Papam!" is religion for the incredible Opium Fursen’s people, tasty fast food church "Image"-level. "Habemus Papam!" is a movie that behaves to Catholicism like Stephen Freiar "The Queen" To the monarchy: He is formal and theoretically, in the end but in the end. Moretti shows one "human" Vatican, in which the cardinals are not a power of power, but cute old man and nice people who are still human by unexpected development. At some point the therapist aligns with the trapped even a volleyball tournament — relaxation subsidies in the Vatican.

The powerlessness of the omacous pope

Of all known shadow sides, the intolerant sole representation claim of the church, the repressive sexual moral, women’s kneading and politically reactionary basic alignment of the church is the so-called "explain" Left star director Moretti neither talks, such as the youngest padophilia and abuse scandals. Moretti ("Water polo and communism", "The fair is out") shows completely hardly.

"Habemus Papam" is therefore anything but multi-faceted "Coarse car cinema", but a small, good, original joke that has become an ally gentle, too lousen shells comodie wide.