This it disaster leaves the rough coalition

This IT disaster leaves the rough coalition

Problems with the Telecommunications Act, IT-SIG 2.0, Source TKU and other projects. Coarse network political blast. Expert calls law "catastrophe".

In the middle of work on a whole series of partly long-planned and demanded IT laws, the Federal Government is exposed to increasing criticism of experts and opposition politicians. Under time prere, they provide poor quality and burial monster, disregarded scientific foundations, undermining the security and sovereignty of the burger as well as industry and destructor trust in the state. Telepolis Has spoken with politicians and experts about some of the projects.

First, the amendment of the Telecommunications Act (TKG) and the IT Security Act 2 came 2.0 (IT-SIG 2.0), from the Bundestag on 22. and 23. April said goodbye, in many media well. "Fast internet for all" and "Finally safety against hackers", That’s good stuff, that were also worthwhile investments.

But opposition and experts complain unison and content of the laws, which on the last meters and under coarse as well as self-inflicted time prere — the implementation of EU regulations was missed long — missed — still missed serious changes.

Experts who were invited as experts in rectanges, for example, at the TKG amendment that their expertise was not obvious and apparently not inevitable. from "Disregard of Parliament" until the penal "catastrophe" In view of the deep fundamental rights and monitoring measures, which provides for the new TK law, there is talk. Even the IT middle class sees one "Chance missed", The text is full of unsuitable measures.

The centralized project of the IT Security Act to expand the Federal Office for Safety in Information Technology to the Hackerholders, call critics "pure eyewish", Germany only uncertain.

Manuel Atug, Speaker of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Critical Infrastructures (Ag Kritis) and expert in the Bundestag for the IT-SIG 2.0, explains opposite Telepolis:

The IT-SIG 2.0 continues to show the blatant strategy and aimlessness of the legislator in the Cyberraum. The spaghole is tried unsuccessful: On the one hand, one of the one hand one wants to introduce offensive emphasis-expanding measures for security authorities and intelligence services for security, but on the other hand also increase cyber resilience for critical infrastructures, so the robust and resistant supply of civil avalanche by critis operator.

Manuel Atug, Spokesman AG Critis

But who opens or places backpires, as the IT-SIG provides for, destroy any security at the same time. Whoever opens his home tour, so that the police can help faster in an emergency, also allows criminal access — a trough. Who forbids letters and explains postcards to the standard, undermines the confidence of the burger and makes fake news and dubious figures protective help.

Exactly that, says Atug, does the legislator probably accepted and appropriately accepting, different you can not explain, "Why the legally required evaluation of the effectiveness of the legal situation existing for six years has not been made". It is "Almost a science of science and simply irresponsible", so attach.