Hartz-iv rule sets: ministry of labor zoats anpend

The Joint Welfare Association accuses Nahles Ministry of playing with the recalculation due

The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) make the Neuanpang of the Hartz IV rules sets, raises him the paritatical welfare association. The rules sets ruled on obsolete needs, new calculation bases have been involved for months, power of the association.

On his homepage he represents a model template for a contradiction against opposite notifications to give the demand for the claim. If there is a lot of participation, goods "Ruck-acting claim conceivable", Aubert the main fuel of the paritatical welfare association, Ulrich Schneider, opposite SZ.

The calculation of the rulesets takes place on the basis of the income and consumption sample (EVS), which is carried out by the Federal Statistical Office and the Statistical Standards all five years. The EVS supplies the data basis for the "BEENG of the ruleset-relevant consumption in the context of basic security", informs the Federal Office for Statistics.

The Hartz IV sentence for an adult stress, which consume the income-weakest 20 percent of single households that do not relate Hartz IV, made a star report in short. Both the German Trade Union Confederation as well as the paritatical welfare association criticize that the now applicable needs investigation increased costs, for example for electricity and foods, is not taken into account.

The opposite Hartz IV modest is still the EVs of 2008 peripheral and thus a too low Bemeng. But that was not allowed to be, according to the parity welfare association in his pattern contradiction letter, because the Ministry had been "at least October 2015" already the data of the EVS from 2013. Reason for the accusation that the Ministry of Requires are traversed, therefore, the envision of a BMAS spokeswoman is that the episis only on 01. January 2017 should take place.

The Ministry of Games on time and also give no insight into his data bases, criticized the association. According to the information of the SZ, the ministry asserts that "A unstored preparation of the bill" be guaranteed.