Engineering, made in england

the "Under the Pier Show" Southwold

If you place the same object in an art gallery, in a museum or on a landing stage, the well-faced people will respond differently in depending on the location. For Tim Hunkin, engineer, cartoonist and lovers of discreet spoon, it is clear that for his shocks actually only the pier is in question. In his under the Pier Show in Southwold, Great Britain, the people depict gallery and museum-typical behavior patterns; Instead of reverence, pure adds.

For Tim Hunkin, vacation machines are bigger than to work the visitors. As soon as someone has thrown a money back, he is eager to study the operating instructions and focus fully on the machine — until the end of the presentation. No comparison to the often often as tatching tatches of museums and galleries.

The initially last chopping in Hunkin’s collection of self-built munet machines is "Rent-a-Dog" — An outgoing treadmill, mutated to the Gaszi-Geh simulator with a glass of glass fiber dog, for the UBLIGEN DOTTY, who was a prior model for bringing Bull Terrier by Princess. The dog vacuum pursues his route on the film-shaped piergelande on the screen directly in front of him, while the dog has its own monitor. There is some adventure to exist. Every time the dog finds something interesting, the band stops and you can see on the dog monitor, what it is. The legs of the dog are driven by a motor that is synchronized with the treadmill. When a leg strives, it swings back and creates a surprisingly convincing, chaotic gauge effect.

Rent-a-Dog. In the background: the Bathyscaph, a diving boat simulator for the whole family

Here you can experience Robert Maxwell or the last cod, everything in the finest fish tank video quality. At the end of the dive, the Bathyskaph is leaking, and the inmates have to appear quickly.

In Southwold is particularly important to recovery. Hunkin present a stunning solution for the fast-paced world of today, in a consistent further authorization of the already established Mini-Break Thought: "Microbrek". No reason to pack something for that. No reason to eat something. The scenery is steady. The micro-vacationer simply sits in the chair. The wonderful tilting and rocking mechanism is created with the chassis of a Sega Space Harrier Arcade Game of 1985, while on the screen TV animations of flight, bus transfer and beach visit are visible. Arrived there, a mockup lamp on the screen radiates directly into the face of the tourist. After the sweat bath in the sun is back home. The whole thing does not last longer than three minutes.

Engineering, Made in England

Microbreak: 100% recycled experience

Another attraction in the spa area is the "QuickFit". The recreational change is located on a couch and pursues on a screen the specially dedicated film, which is based on the famous-baptized Jane-Fonda-aerobics Workout and Fitness videos — during which the couch takes all the exercises and moves every body in sync to videotape.

The video does not conceal the hazards of sporting bonds: towards the end of the exercises decompose to self-composited Kaziger 1980s music the involved (bonfed) of the video film (Z.B. Madonna) in their items. The Wohlfuhl machine was presented to an osteopath after completion, which placed it as a completely uncertain. They surprised Hunkin’s expectations regarding their popularity, because at least the passive athletes are exposed to the views of the other visitors. But in the pier atmosphere, these inhibitions simply drop from them — the people seem to expect even more of themselves silly to do that they were not even thinking under normal conditions.

Engineering, Made in England

QuickFit: No pathetic ones

Tim Hunkin gained in the UK at the end of the 1980s / early 1990s some famousness — Z.B. With its TV show The Secret Life of Machines (Channel 4 and Discovery Channel). For example, when trying to find the working principles of contemporary technology, for example, 19 ongoing televisions were burned on a stake, just to make the effect of the infrared remote control of some likeness. For the car and engine program, a Carhene was built that only two months aim of pilgrimage was (unlike different permanent carhenges).

Hunkin writes entertaining essays to engineering aspects (Z.B. Illegal engineering). His first munzautomat dates back to 1975 (Birth of Venus). Since then, he has assembled a rough machine family and found with Southwold Pier a suitable prospective place.

Tim Hunkin shares revenue with the pier owner. He wife that the whole company is more fragile richly fragile — the machines are just robust enough, the visitors behave well enough, and everything is just about the water level at tide. Every moment could bring the end to the company: ever new mortal regulations, a lawsuit due to a violation suffered from the simulators or excessive swemming. This fragility often causes hunkin sleepless night and is also attractive for him — she’ll like him, as he says,.