Maas had «no problem» in order to, «killer games» to disallow

In the past, the new Minister of Justice raised the impression that he has a rather problematic ratio to the constitutional principles such as the presumption of innocence

CDU and CSU used Cabinet conversion for a rejuvenation of their team: Peter Tauber becomes CDU General Secretar, Alexander Dobrindt Internet Minister and Dorothee Bar Parliamentary State Secretary for the Digital Communication Infrastructure. At the SPD, the chance for a modernization has not been used in this ejection: where the Schroder-Justice Minister Brigitte Zypries is to decide in Sigmar Gabriel’s Economic and Energy Ministry of Art by its legislation (which is responsible for the military abuse) even though they did not even know what a browser is during their ministerial time.

Even controversial is the new Social Democratic Minister of Justice Heiko Maas, whose appeal of the Blogger Felix of Leitner as "catastrophe" valuable. The Saarland SPD chairman did not necessarily show himself in the past as a friend of freedom rights: four years ago he said, for example, in a chat, he "Do not believe that this world needs killer games or paintball nonsense". That’s why he also had "no problem" This to ban them.

Heiko Maas (right). Photo: SPD Saar. License: CC BY-ND 2.0.

On demand Maas had to admit, but never one of the "Killer games", which he was forbid to have played. And on the objection of who should control such a ban, he replied, it comes "yes nobody on the idea to legalize theft, just because still stolen": If "Killer games" Banned, then they could "no longer be distributed legally", What "their dissemination significantly limited" will. Internet locks surpassed Maas at that time even more explicitly than a ban on computer games and paintball and in the Saarland Landtag he voted against an application that should prevent the re-importance of data retention.

Even if you set up all IT questions, Maas seems as a minister of Justice in the face of its legislation on the rule of legislation as the presumption of innocence a highly problematic election: 2007 likes the then Saarland opposition drivers, which the SPD 2003 as the top candidate from 44.4 to 30.8 percent Printed part of the voice, so famous, he finds it "disgusting", that there was only compensation in the so-called Pascal process (in which numerous testimony statements have proved completely loseless Rauberpistolen). The reason to question the investigation methods of the police and public prosecutor’s office, with which such statements came about, Maas was not the verdict at that time.