A «cyber rifle» to the «enlove» from drones

In the Pentagon one tries the art of creative crafts or. the "Innovation on tactical level" to develop

Last week, there was a short pre-job in the Army Cyber Institute of the Ministry of Defense, which one informed proud of the publicity. Even US Defense Minister Ash Carter gave himself the honor as a soldier in West Point with a novel rifle took a drone out of the air, with neither a cartridge being shot down nor a rush to horen.

The mysterious weapon, which does not deport drones with a ball, is called cyber rifle or rifle with cyber capacity. So far, the rifle is only for "Shooting" Aligned by Parrot Quadcopters, but should also be extended to other tension types. Escaped with an antenna, a cheap Raspberry pi computer and a radio transmitter, as Popular Science reports. An already known vulnerability of the Parrot Quadcopter, which the command via an open Telnet port can be sent to switch off the engine. Even with a Parrot app, the control of the drone can be taken over.

A'cybergewehr' zum 'abschieben' von drohnen

Screenshot from the video of the Army Cyber Institute.

Just $ 150 costs the parts of the cyber rifle, which was presented for the first time in October of the last year from his inventor, scientist Captain Brent Chapman,. 10 hours were needed for the construction, he said. It is an example for what the soldiers could produce in use "Tactical production". Self-tentative cyber rifles should serve in the future to make drones of opponents blurry. The cyber weapon did not have to look like a rifle, so it’s just tasty to the alter officers: "aim. Push. crash."

Even now, the Army Cyber Institute advertises that the project is the "Possibility of cyber innovation on tactical level" show. So it is demonstrated that the soldiers should also grasp and be creative in use. One is followed by a similar idea at the DARPA.

The research residence of the Pentagon, which is to provide for surprises, has recently launched a call for tenders and called up to report in weapons to everyday things such as electronic devices, drones or other commercial products to buy, in weapons can. The hope is to gain insights from it, in order to be a step ahead of terrorist or other criminal or subversive bassers one step ahead or prevent the invented unconventional, "improvised" Arrangers in circulation and fall into the hands of the opponents (Pentagon seeks thug, which can build novel weapons from existing technology).

Captain Brent Chapman with the "Cyber rifle". Image: Army Cyber Institute

The cyber rifle could not only be interesting for non-militar applications because it is easy to build from cheap means, but also because it is not a firearm. A license would not be required if you want to go to a quiet hunt in silence.

However, there is also a competitive product, the DroneDer of Batelle. Also based on a rifle and stort GPS signals or radio signals in the frequency ranges of the ISM band (Industrial, Scientific and Medical Band), which are not generally used in general. The drone address should have a range up to 400 m. The costs are unknown, he is not offered on the market yet.